4D Experience Fall Kick-off
Private Location (sign in to display)
The program will be:
- 9am-10am: 4D team will present updates on initiatives and programs
- 10am-12pm: Drop in for a 4D open house to learn more, engage, and connect
Other opportunities as part of the larger 4D Fall Kick-Off:
Mindful Mile on Tuesday, Sept. 24th, 2 – 5:00p: during this community event co-hosted by Health Promotion, Sodexo, and Driscoll and Community Commons, travel a loop around campus, stop at designated checkpoints for mindful tips, and make new connections!
Designing for Curiosity on Friday, Sept. 27th, 9 – 10:30a: co-sponsored by 4D and OTL as part of the AY24-25 4D Faculty and Staff Design Series, this workshop will provide frameworks, strategies, and tools to foster curiosity for genuine and authentic connections in our personal and professional lives and to support students in doing the same. Register here: https://udenver.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bQ6EE0J7UrWSBUO?