Israel-Gaza Teach-in Series
Past Events
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
This is the third event in a teach-in style series co-hosted by the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Science, Graduate School of Social Work, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, and the Provost’s Office. This third event is designed to offer an exploration of the U.S. Politics drawing on a panel of DU faculty experts.. Key themes will be presented by experts with time for audience participation in questions and answers. We will gather in: Katherine A. Ruffatto Hall – Commons.
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Please join Dean Lisa Reyes Mason, Graduate School of Social Work, and Provost Mary Clark for War and Trauma, the second Teach-In Series event, on Tuesday, April 9th, 2024, from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. in Craig Hall Community Room. This event will explore the multiple impacts of trauma to people living through it, in war zones and beyond drawing on a panel of DU faculty experts. Key themes will be presented by experts with time for audience participation in questions and answers.
Pizza dinner will be served.
The series is co-hosted by the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Science, Graduate School of Social Work, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, and the Provost’s Office.
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
This is the first event in a teach-in style series co-hosted by the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Science, Graduate School of Social Work, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, and the Provost’s Office. This first event is designed to offer an overview of the Israel-Palestine historical legacies drawing on a panel of DU faculty experts. Key historical events and themes will presented by experts with time for audience participation in questions and answers. Building on this this first event, the series will continue monthly events focused on the themes of war and trauma, interfaith perspectives, and U.S. policy.