From: Pulse Newsletter
Date: October 4, 2023
Subject: The Pulse | Fall 2023 | Week 4

The Pulse: Weekly News & Happenings at DU
In Case You Missed It
Medical Amnesty at DU

Make the Call - Medical Amnesty at DU

When you or someone is in danger, seek help. 
Call 911
Campus Safety Emergency: 303-871-3000

What is medical amnesty?
When, out of a concern for health and safety, a Student chooses to take intentional action and seek assistance from a University Official or emergency services for themselves or others, SRR will not initiate a formal conduct process for alcohol and/or drug violations if the Medical Amnesty Process applies.

Examples of when to call for help... if someone:
  • is unresponsive or unconscious
  • is cold, clammy, pale, or has blotchy skin
  • has shallow or irregular breathing
  • comits multiple times or vomits while sleeping
  • is unable to answer basic questions or complete basic tasks
  • needs assistance returning to their home
  • is unable to regulate their emotions
  • has sustained an injury
Event Highlights This Week
TODAY: Wednesday, October 4
Start End   Event         Location
9:00am 12:00pm Career and Professional Development Private Location (sign in to display)
9:00am 10:30am Free Coffee & Study Social! Private Location (sign in to display)
11:00am 12:00pm First Step Session Community Commons 2600
12:00pm 1:30pm Special Pop-Up Community Wellness Hour in Partnership with the Newman Center for the Performing Arts Private Location (sign in to display)
12:00pm 2:00pm Public Good Open House Community Commons (CCOM) 1100 (Next to Starbucks)
1:00pm 4:00pm Fall 2023 All-Majors Career & Internship Fair - Day 1 Private Location (sign in to display)
2:00pm 4:00pm Flu Clinic Nelson Residence Hall, Conference Room
4:00pm 5:00pm Welcome Back Meeting! Anderson Academic Commons 340
4:00pm 6:00pm Beans After Dark Private Location (sign in to display)
4:00pm 6:00pm DU Guerilla Craft Society Private Location (sign in to display)
6:00pm 7:30pm Psychology Department Research Night Frontier Hall - Third Floor Lobby
6:00pm 8:00pm Writers' Club Weekly Meeting Sturm 210
6:00pm 7:00pm D.I.Y Dorm Decor Private Location (sign in to display)
6:00pm 7:00pm Weekly Radio Club Meeting! CCOM 2600
6:00pm 8:30pm BLS/CPR by DU EMS Private Location (register to display)
6:00pm 7:00pm Model United Nations Weekly Meeting Private Location (sign in to display)
6:30pm 8:00pm Personal Branding with PNC Private Location (sign in to display)
8:00pm 12:00am Chris Farren with Guppy and Anika Pyle Globe Hall
8:30pm 9:30pm Skintight Outrage Weekly Improv Comedy Show Lindsay Auditorium (STURM 281)
TOMORROW: Thursday, October 5
9:00am 11:00am C+V Fall Coffee Hours on Thursdays! Beans Coffee inside of the Joy Burns Center
10:00am 3:00pm October 5th - Free STI Testing Private Location (sign in to display)
12:00pm 1:00pm Critical Language Scholarship Information Sessions In person & Zoom
1:00pm 2:00pm First Step Session Community Commons 2600
1:00pm 4:00pm Fall 2023 All-Majors Career & Internship Fair - Day 2 Private Location (sign in to display)
1:00pm 4:00pm Natural Science and Mathematics Writing Group Private Location (sign in to display)
1:00pm 3:00pm 4D Fall Jamboree Private Location (sign in to display)
2:00pm 3:00pm Thriving on Your 21st Birthday Program - Education & Coupon Pickups Private Location (sign in to display)
2:00pm 4:00pm Flu Clinic CCOM 1800
2:30pm 3:30pm Pepper Spray Defense Private Location (sign in to display)
4:00pm 5:00pm
Critical Language Scholarship Information Sessions
In Person & Zoom
4:00pm 5:30pm Let's Talk FIRST! Being First-Gen and Latine Private Location (sign in to display)
4:00pm 6:00pm Beans After Dark Private Location (sign in to display)
4:15pm 5:15pm Come Run with Us! Private Location (sign in to display)
4:30pm 6:00pm Rainbow Rendezvous Private Location (sign in to display)
5:00pm 6:00pm History Club Weekly Meeting Sturm 234
5:00pm 10:00pm Interfraternity Council (IFC) Recruitment Kickoff Private Location (sign in to display)
6:00pm 7:00pm Sardines with SASA CCOMMS 2600
6:00pm 8:00pm Sunset Series: Open Mic Night! 4th Floor Rooftop
7:00pm 10:00pm Avatar: The Last Airbender Night CCOM 2600
7:00pm 8:00pm Peer2Peer Pairing & Kickoff Private Location (sign in to display)
Friday, October 6
11:00am 12:00pm First Step Session Anderson Academic Commons 340
11:30am 1:30pm Japan Study Abroad Information Event Private Location (sign in to display)
12:00pm 1:00pm Trans Lunch Private Location (sign in to display)
12:15pm 4:00pm Game Development Workshop Private Location (sign in to display)
1:00pm 4:00pm Sigma Chi Rush: Field Games Private Location (sign in to display)
2:15pm 3:15pm QSA Weekly Meeting Private Location (sign in to display)
3:00pm 4:00pm DUDC Drop-In Class Private Location (sign in to display)
4:15pm 5:15pm Come Run with Us! Private Location (sign in to display)
5:00pm 6:00pm Game Activity IDxA Meeting Private Location (sign in to display)
6:00pm 9:00pm Game Night Private Location (sign in to display)
DU at home: home athletics events this week

Cheer on DU this week:

Thursday, October 5
Start End   Event         Location
7:00pm 9:00pm DU Women's Soccer vs. South Dakota State Private Location (sign in to display)
Saturday, October 7
1:00pm 3:00pm DU Women's Volleyball vs. Kansas City Private Location (sign in to display)
Sunday, October 8
12:00pm 2:00pm DU Women's Soccer vs. South Dakota Private Location (sign in to display)
Engagement Opportunities Coming Up


Hockey Campout

Friday, October 13 at 6:00pm
to Saturday, October 14 at 8:00am
Ritchie Center Parking Lot, 2240 Buchtel Blvd S, Denver, CO 80210, United States
Add to Google Cal,Outlook,Yahoo,iCal

A night to campout at the Ritchie Center for the chance to get FREE season tickets to the DU Hockey Team!

Registration: Campout Crews, Crew Captains, and Crew Members

A Campout Crew is made up of no more than 6 people, up to 5 Crew Members and 1 Crew Captain.

We ask that you designate a Crew Captain to be your crew's designated representative for communication, check-ins etc.

Note that Crew Captains will need to submit a form at the end of registration  (you will be redirected automatically) to notify us of who is part of your Campout Crew.

The Basics:
Everyone in the same Campout Crew gets to check-in at the same time the day of Hockey Campout, so even if only one person checks-in earlier in the day, the rest of your Crew don't have to be there until later in the day if they have other commitments. An earlier check-in time increases your chances of getting a golden ticket the next day, but your entire Campout Crew will have to campout out all night to be eligible to get one!

Registration Updates:
You are able to update your registration at any time by cancelling your current registration and submitting a new one with the correct selections. Alternatively, if you selected both options, please delete one and keep the other, whichever is most relevant to your role on your Campout Crew.

The Summit - includes image of a mountain

You're Invited to The Summit

Oct. 16-18 | Webinar on the 16th and 18th, In-person on the 17th in Anderson Commons room 290
Please join us October 16th-18th for DU’s 23rd annual Summit! This year we will be thinking about the layered and multifaceted reality of working and persisting for justice. This year we will offer both virtual and in-person programming.

Please review the schedule and register for the various sessions here.
If you have any questions, please contact us at

Other News & Updates from Around Campus
LGBTQ History Month

LGBTQ+ History Month

Throughout October, we celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month, a time to honor and recognize the contributions, struggles, and achievements of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community. This month serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about the history of the LGBTQ+ rights movement and to promote equality and acceptance for all.

Indigenous Peoples' Day

Indigenous Peoples' Day

On October 9, we commemorate Indigenous Peoples' Day, a day dedicated to honoring the rich histories, cultures, and contributions of Indigenous communities across the world. This day provides an alternative perspective to Columbus Day, promoting awareness about the impact of colonization on Indigenous populations and advocating for their rights and recognition.

Disability Employment Awareness Month

Disability Employment Awareness Month

Disability Employment Awareness Month is observed in October to emphasize the importance of creating inclusive workplaces that value the talents and skills of people with disabilities. Throughout the month, initiatives and discussions highlight the need for equal employment opportunities and challenge misconceptions about disabilities in the workforce.

SRR Logo

Student Accountability Board (SAB) Recruitment

Do you or does someone you know want to be more engaged in the DU community? Support the DU community and its members? Participant in incident and conflict resolution? Nominate yourself or your friends for the Student Accountability Board (SAB)! SAB resolves our most elevated Student Rights & Responsibilities cases, and, therefore, the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities (SRR) engages DU community members as the decision makers in these cases. The student members would work as equal partners with staff and faculty members to uphold University policies. SRR is looking for a diverse and deep pool of trained SAB members in order to fully represent our campus community.
To nominate yourself or another student, please complete this survey.
For Fall Quarter Trainings, please complete this form by October 20, 2023. This survey remains open past this deadline for anyone interested. Please send any questions to SRR at 

Student Podcast: The Baggage Claim

Student Podcast: The Baggage Claim

Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Google Podcasts

Recent DU graduates Kaitlyn Klepec and Lila Ruppe have taken everything they learned at MFJS to create a podcast. They talk about college, the struggles of the job hunt, and all of life's idiosyncrasies. Join their conversation by listening to The Baggage Claim on Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, iHeartRadio, and Google Podcasts.

Institutional Courage Study

Institutional Courage Study

Are you a DU student?
Have you had an an unwanted sexual experience?

If so, you are invited to participate in a study exploring how colleges can be courageous in responding to unwanted sexual experiences. This study has three parts:

  • Idea Generation
  • Sorting & Rating
  • Concept Mapping
Contact Dr. Sarah Hurtado if you have any questions.
Pulse Poll of the Week

How are you doing this quarter?

 We want to know how your quarter is going! Please check your DU email and complete the one-question wellbeing survey that was sent on Monday, Oct. 2.

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