From: 4D Grad Connect
Date: November 7, 2024
Subject: The GRAD Week 9

The Grad

Fall | Week 9

Gratitude Potato Cart!

1-4 pm | 1 pm: Parade starts on Campus Green • 1:15-1:45 pm: Stop at Graduation Green • 2-2:30 pm: Stop at Sturm Green (outside the Engineering bldg.) • 2:30 – 4 pm Return to Campus Green for main event activities
It's time for the Gratitude Potato Cart! Feel some gratitude and grab a baked potato with all the fixings from the potato cart parade driving around campus at various stops with opportunities to express gratitude on whiteboards and take photos. Then head to the potato cart after party on the Campus Green for delicious pies, potato games, and gratitude-inspired fun including: -Potato sack race -Wheelbarrow race -Hot potato game with music -Baked potato on the head contest -Fake pie tray balance race -Potato spoon race -Human-powered snow cone machine! More info

Native American Heritage Month

November | 
Native American Heritage Month recognizes the history, cultures, and contributions of Native Americans. These groups have distinct languages, traditions, and practices, deeply connected to their ancestral lands. This month offers us an opportunity to honor the indigenous peoples of North America and educate ourselves about their history and the challenges they have faced.

Election 2024: What Happened... and What's Next? - Post Election Analysis Panel Discussion

Thursday, Nov. 7 (12-2PM) | Sie Complex, Maglione Hall, Room 5025
Election 2024: What Happened… and What is Next? The 2024 U.S. election is shaping up to be one of the most significant in recent American history, from the presidential race to control over the House and Senate. Less than two days after the polls close, join the Scrivner Institute of Public Policy and the Center on American Politics at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies for an insightful post-election analysis with faculty experts from across DU. They'll delve into what has unfolded and what remains unresolved, along with the potential ramifications for both the U.S. and the global democratic order. More Info

happening this week & next


Thursday, November 7
Start End   Event         Location
10:30am 12:00pm SDS FINALS SIGN UP PARTY! SDS Office Suite 13
3:00pm 5:00pm FIRST@DU Study Session Private Location (sign in to display)
6:30pm 8:00pm SMART Recovery Private Location (sign in to display)
Friday, November 8
12:00pm 1:30pm Well-being and Energy [VIRTUAL] - Grad Student Essentials Series Online Event
12:00pm 1:00pm Weekly Bible Study Anderson Academic Commons Room 212
1:00pm 5:00pm Food Pickup Private Location (sign in to display)
1:00pm 4:00pm Graduate Women of Color Writing Workshop (Hosted by Sistah Network) Private Location (sign in to display)
7:30pm 9:30pm Gabriel Kahane & Roomful of Teeth Newman Center for the Performing Arts
Saturday, November 9
2:00pm 4:00pm Gabriel Kahane & Caroline Shaw Newman Center for the Performing Arts
Tuesday, November 12
2:00pm 3:30pm Industry Insights: Health & Wellness and Bioscience Online Event
5:00pm 6:00pm Graduate Student All Recovery Pathways Meeting Private Location (sign in to display)
7:00pm 8:00pm Cocaine Anonymous Private Location (sign in to display)
Thursday, November 14
10:00am 3:00pm Free STI Testing Clinic - Nov 14th Private Location (sign in to display)
1:00pm 3:00pm Grad Cafe Private Location (sign in to display)
5:00pm 7:00pm Transgender Day of Remembrance Private Location (sign in to display)
6:30pm 8:00pm SMART Recovery Private Location (sign in to display)
Tuesday, November 19
5:00pm 6:00pm Graduate Student All Recovery Pathways Meeting Private Location (sign in to display)
7:00pm 8:00pm Cocaine Anonymous Private Location (sign in to display)

Apple Appreciation Sale

DU Bookstore is having an Apple Appreciation Sale coming up you are all invited. 

Food Pickup

Friday, Nov. 8 (1-5pm) | Driscoll Commons, Room 6 (lower level)
Our second food pickup of the fall quarter will be November 8 from 1-5pm in Driscoll Commons, Room 6 (lower level). Students will be able to pick up a pre-packaged bag. Supplies are limited, so register on Crimson Connect today! More Info

MS in Data Science Webinar

Thursday, Nov. 14 (6 PM - 7 PM) | Zoom
Are you curious about data science? Join our exclusive virtual webinar on November 14, from 6-7 PM MST to learn more about the MS in Data Science program. Hear about the program from an MSDS student, expert faculty, and the Program Director. Be a part of our dynamic learning community. Register today to reserve your spot.

Other News & Updates from Around Campus

Student reps sought for relaunched HCC Student Health Advisory Board

The Health & Counseling Center (HCC) is relaunching our Student health Advisory Council (SHAC)! We're seeking students to • help shape/improve how HCC services students, • share their passion for health and wellness, • gain insights on healthcare/well-being work, and • add marketable experience for their education/careers. For ~5 hours per quarter, the small group members can receive up to $200, and help shape HCC and wider campus well-being services, programs and resources. Full details and interest form here  Deadline is 8am on Monday, 11/25. We'll followup ASAP for winter term launch.

Nominate an Advisor for the Provost's Award for Excellence in Academic Advising

Did you receive excellent academic advising last quarter? Nominate your advisor for the Provost's Award for Excellence in Academic Advising (LINK: Graduate and undergraduate faculty and staff academic advisors, for whom advising is at least a portion of their responsibilities, are eligible to be nominated. Nominate your advisor here. More info

Need help connecting to support?
Contact the Dean of Students (DoS) Office at: or by calling 303-871-4261

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