From: 4D Grad Connect
Date: October 24, 2024
Subject: The GRAD Week 7

The Grad

Fall | Week 7

First Snow at DU!

| Community Commons first floor
❄️ Brrr! Winter is coming! Join us for First Snow, an annual DU tradition celebrating the FIRST INCH of snow that falls on the DU campus. On that day, meet us on the first floor of the Community Commons for giveaways, food, and fun including free beanies and gloves, a cozy photo booth, hot cocoa, a best-selling books raffle, and snowflake decorating. See you there! 🌨⛄

Gratitude Potato Cart!

1-4 pm | 1pm: Parade starts on Campus Green • 1:15-1:45 pm: Stop at Carnegie Green • 2-2:30 pm: Stop at Sturm Green (outside the Engineering bldg.) • 2:30 – 4pm Return to Campus Green for main event activities
It's time for the Gratitude Potato Cart! Feel some gratitude and grab a baked potato with all the fixings from the potato cart parade driving around campus at various stops with opportunities to express gratitude on white boards and take photos. Then head to the potato cart after party on the Campus Green for delicious pies, potato games, and gratitude-inspired fun including: -Potato sack race -Wheelbarrow race -Hot potato game with music -Baked potato on the head contest -Fake pie tray balance race -Potato spoon race -Human-powered snow cone machine! Register Here

happening this week & next


Thursday, October 24
Start End   Event         Location
12:00pm 1:30pm Leadership, Research, and the Power of Radical Candor - GradCO Online Event
3:00pm 5:00pm FIRST@DU Study Session Private Location (sign in to display)
6:00pm 8:00pm Leaders in the Outdoor Industry Panel Private Location (sign in to display)
6:30pm 8:00pm SMART Recovery Private Location (sign in to display)
7:00pm 9:00pm Join GSPP in Las Vegas! Cafe Hollywood
7:30pm 8:30pm Faculty Artists Recital Series: Jeremy Reynolds, clarinet & Margaret McDonald, piano Private Location (sign in to display)
Friday, October 25
9:00am 10:00am DIY Editing: Strategies for Reading & Revising Your Own Work [Virtual] Online Event
1:00pm 2:00pm Write to Get What You Want: Strategies for Proposal Writing [Virtual] Online Event
1:00pm 2:00pm Write to Get What You Want: Strategies for Proposal Writing Online Event
2:00pm 5:00pm 2024 Annual Colorado Postdoctoral Symposium Denver Health, Pavilion C
3:00pm 6:30pm Grad Wellness Day Ritchie Center
3:00pm 4:30pm Men of Color Meet-Up Burwell 320
5:00pm 8:00pm Diwali: SASA x TCC x SASE Private Location (sign in to display)
7:30pm 9:30pm Jazz Small Groups Private Location (sign in to display)
Saturday, October 26
4:00pm 5:30pm Victim/Suspect Film Screening Sturm Hall, Davis Auditorium
7:30pm 9:30pm Lamont Baroque Orchestra Private Location (sign in to display)
Sunday, October 27
4:30pm 5:30pm Faculty Artists Recital Series: Colorado Cello Quartet Private Location (sign in to display)
6:00pm 7:00pm Catholic Sunday Mass Private Location (sign in to display)
Monday, October 28
10:00am 1:00pm Law School Fair Private Location (sign in to display)
12:00pm 1:00pm Mental Well-Being and Self-Care in Graduate School - GradCO Online Event
5:00pm 8:30pm gOD-Talk Documentary Screening and Q&A Private Location (register to display)
5:00pm 6:00pm Human vs. Computer: Using AI and Understanding ATS in Your Job Search Online Event
6:00pm 8:00pm Halloween Workshop Innovation Floor (ECS 107)
Tuesday, October 29
2:00pm 3:30pm Industry Insights: Aerospace & Defense and Government & Public Service Online Event
5:00pm 6:00pm Graduate Student All Recovery Pathways Meeting Private Location (sign in to display)
6:00pm 8:00pm Microaggression Intervention: Pop Music Edition (FREE Meal/Drink Voucher) Private Location (register to display)
7:00pm 8:00pm Cocaine Anonymous Private Location (sign in to display)
Wednesday, October 30
11:00am 3:00pm Flu Shot Drop-in Clinic for Students CCOM 2600
4:00pm 6:00pm Story Mosaic Series: Behind the Mask Private Location (sign in to display)
6:00pm 7:00pm Student Wellness Wednesdays - Roll & Recover: Stretch & Foam Roll to Restore Private Location (sign in to display)
7:30pm 9:30pm Jazz Small Groups Private Location (sign in to display)
Thursday, October 31
1:00pm 3:00pm Grad Cafe Private Location (sign in to display)
2:00pm 3:00pm Leadership for All: Citizen Leadership & Global Stewardship Private Location (sign in to display)
3:00pm 5:00pm FIRST@DU Study Session Private Location (sign in to display)
6:30pm 8:00pm SMART Recovery Private Location (sign in to display)
Friday, November 1
12:00am 11:55pm DU Move for Movember Challenge Private Location (sign in to display)
12:00pm 1:00pm Trans Lunch Private Location (sign in to display)
5:00pm 9:00pm Dia de los Muertos Celebration Private Location (sign in to display)
7:30pm 9:30pm Lamont Opera Theatre Private Location (sign in to display)
Saturday, November 2
7:30pm 9:30pm Lamont Opera Theatre Private Location (sign in to display)
Sunday, November 3
7:30pm 9:30pm Liederabend Private Location (sign in to display)
Monday, November 4
8:00am 5:00pm Move For Movember Private Location (sign in to display)
Tuesday, November 5
5:00pm 6:00pm Graduate Student All Recovery Pathways Meeting Private Location (sign in to display)
7:00pm 8:00pm Cocaine Anonymous Private Location (sign in to display)
7:30pm 9:30pm Lamont Percussion Ensemble Newman Center for the Performing Arts, Gates Concert Hall
Wednesday, November 6
11:00am 1:00pm Movember Resource Fair Private Location (sign in to display)
12:00pm 1:00pm Emotional Intelligence - GradCO Online Event
3:00pm 4:30pm Well-being and Energy - Grad Student Essentials Series Private Location (sign in to display)
6:00pm 8:00pm LGBTQ+ 101: NEW Training (FREE Meal/Drink Voucher) Private Location (register to display)
6:00pm 7:00pm Student Wellness Wednesdays - Peaceful Practice: Yoga for Stress Relief Private Location (sign in to display)

Student Election Night Watch Event

Tuesday, Nov. 5 (6-9 PM) | Sie Complex, Maglione Hall Room 5025
This event is for DU students, faculty, and staff. Join us to watch live election night returns together, with occasional commentary and discussion guided by Political Science professor Seth Masket. You are welcome to stop by for a portion of the evening or stay until we send you home at 9 pm! More info

Boren Awards Campus Visit

Monday, Nov. 4 (12pm-1pm) | SIE Complex 1020

The Office of Scholar Development & Fellowship Advising is hosting a visit from a representative from the Boren Awards on Nov. 4th from 12pm-1pm in SIE 1020. The Boren Awards is funding for U.S. citizens (undergraduates and graduates) to study abroad to learn a language critical to U.S. national security interests. Register to join us to learn about applying to the Boren Awards! More info

Divest DU's Campus Convos: Activism Open Mic Night

Thursday, Oct 24 (6:00 PM - 8:00 PM) | Community Commons Room 1100, The Green Suite
Join Divest DU for an evening of speech, poetry, and music at the Activism Open Mic Night. DU students will be able to perform any speech, poem, or song related to issues that impact our campus and community, followed by an opportunity to mingle with fellow students. Topics of focus will include environmental and social justice. All students are encouraged to attend, regardless of prior activism experience. This is, above all else, a community-building event to foster space for open dialogue, reflection, and connection. FREE DINNER WILL BE PROVIDED. More info

Webinar: Women, Art, Freedom: Artists and Street Politics in Iran

Wednesday, Nov. 6 (12:30 - 1:30) | 
Webinar only event. Wednesday Nov. 6th from 12:30 - 1:30 PM. Title: Women, Art, Freedom: Artists and Street Politics in Iran Summary: Zoom event based on the recently published book Women, Art, Freedom: Artists and Street Politics in Iran by Professor Pamela Karimi. Description: About the event: Join the Sié Center and our second-year Sié Fellow, Sheida Sam, as she moderates a conversation with Professor Pamela Karimi. This is a virtual-only event from 12:30 PM Mountain Time - 1:30 PM. We will be sure to leave time at the end for a Q&A with the audience attendees. This presentation is based on the recently published book Women, Art, Freedom: Artists and Street Politics in Iran by Professor Pamela Karimi. Women, Art, Freedom offers an insightful look at the 2022 Woman, Life, Freedom uprising in Iran, sparked by the tragic murder of Jina Mahsa Amini at the hands of the “morality police” for violating hijab rules. Beyond its feminist undertones and the remarkable courage of the young protesters, what sets this uprising apart from previous ones is the abundant and diverse art it has inspired. Rather than merely analyzing the artworks that garnered attention on social media platforms, this book brings to light lesser-known grassroots artistic movements that played a crucial role within their immediate local communities. Engaging with primarily Iran-based artists uncovers their role in shaping guerrilla interventions and street occupations and articulating distinct forms of peaceful civil disobedience. By drawing on a broad spectrum of historical and theoretical sources, this book further reveals the origins and inspirations of Iran’s protest art. Focusing mainly on the interconnections between the public sphere, women’s bodies, and feminist viewpoints, Women, Art, Freedom underscores the vital role of artists in championing global justice and equality. About the moderator: Sheida Sam is an M.A. candidate in International Studies and a Sié Fellow at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver. She focuses on women’s rights and global justice and is deeply committed to activism, cultural diplomacy, and feminist movements. Sheida holds a master’s degree in art research from Iran and has worked extensively in Iran’s educational and cultural sectors. She is an advocate and artist and has also led webinars and workshops on women’s empowerment. About the guest speaker: Pamela Karimi is an associate professor of history of art and architecture at Cornell University. Her expertise lies primarily in the art, architecture, and visual culture of the modern and contemporary Middle East. She is the author of Domesticity and Consumer Culture in Iran: Interior Revolutions of the Modern Era (2013) and Alternative Iran: Contemporary Art and Critical Spatial Practice (2022). Additional Information - how you can stay informed: Sheida Sam has created an Instagram account titled "Woman, Life, Freedom Memorial," a tribute to honor courage, sacrifice, and resistance. This account will pay lasting homage to the unforgettable lives lost and voices silenced in the fight for freedom and dignity. #womanlifefreedommemorial. Attendees are invited to follow on Insta, which is dedicated to honoring those who were killed, arrested, or exiled during and after the Woman, Life, Freedom movement in Iran. womanlifefreedommemorial. Register here

Dialogue on the Crisis in Palestine/Israel

Monday, Oct 28 (5:30-7:30) | Sie 1020
Many conversations on the crisis in palestine/israel feel incomplete. Are there missing voices? Come to share what matters most to people. Discover perspectives outside your own around Palestine/israel and how core values, fears, and hopes shape perspectives. Join us on October 28th from 5:30 pm-7:30 pm in Sie 1020 for a dialogue event hosted by the Conflict Engagement and Resolution Initiative. This event is by students, for students, and encourages all DU students to come.


UndocuResource Day

Friday, October 25 (8am-3:30pm) | Sturm Hall
It's happening! The 3rd Annual UndocuResource Day will be held on the University of Denver campus on Friday, October 25, 2024. UndocuResource Day is a platform that brings educators from secondary schools, postsecondary institutions, and non-profit organizations together to provide crucial training and resources to support our undocumented students across Colorado. The summit is free and includes a variety of workshops, a keynote address, a lunch panel, and a resource fair. More info

Apply Request Info Visit Virtual Tour Give Resources For DU Websites Search Academics Admission & Aid Faculty & Staff Performances & Events News About Faculty Artists Recital Series: Colorado Cello Quartet

Sunday, Oct. 27 (4:30 PM - 6:00 PM) | Newman Center for the Performing Arts, Hamilton Hall
An Evening of Cello Quartets Cellists David Requiro, Meta Weiss, Alice Yoo, and Matthew Zalkind make up the newly formed Colorado Cello Quartet. The four cellists are based in Denver and Boulder and are seasoned soloists, chamber musicians, and educators. The CCQ performs composers spanning hundreds of years of writing/arranging for the unique and versatile cello ensemble. CCQ is passionate about championing new works and expanding the cello quartet literature. More info

Lamont Opera Theatre presents a Double Bill

Friday, Nov 1 (7:30pm) and Saturday, Nov. 2 (7:30pm) | Newman Center for the Performing Arts, Gates Concert Hall
Join us for this double bill of Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas and Mozart’s The Impresario in a semi-staged concert version accompanied by a professional orchestra. The iconic Baroque opera Dido and Aeneas, filled with hauntingly beautiful arias and stirring choruses, tells the tale of Queen Dido’s passionate love for the Trojan hero Aeneas and her ultimate despair. Then, step into the comedic world of The Impresario, Mozart’s delightful opera that follows the humorous struggles of an impresario trying to manage the egos of his rival sopranos. Matthew Plenk is the director and Sahar Nouri is the conductor of the production. More info

Join the DU Move for Movember Challenge!

Join this year's DU Move for Movember Challenge! Movember is a fundraising and awareness campaign that take place each November that focuses on men's health issues, specifically mental health. This year, Thrive Health Promotion is encouraging students, faculty, and staff to create teams where participants are challenged to move 60 miles throughout the month of November to honor the 60 men that those their lives to suicide globally, every hour. For questions on how to start a team, email Justin Stoeckle at More info

DU at home: home athletics events this week
Other News & Updates from Around Campus

Join the Student Accountability Board (SAB)!

SABs are typically made up of Faculty, Staff, and Student Representatives who resolve elevated cases where Students may have violated Community Standards/University Policies. The SAB members determine if the Student is Responsible or Not Responsible for violating Community Standards/University Policies and if they are found Responsible, what Status and Educational Outcomes will be assigned. The SAB members can assign all Status Outcomes: Warning, Probation, Elevated Probation, Suspension, and Expulsion. Training will be provided. Please consider joining this important Board. To refer yourself, a colleague, or a Student, please complete the SAB Nomination form here. Please send any questions to SRR, at or call 303-871-5724. For more information on the SAB and eligibility to participate, please see the Honor Code, beginning on page 44.

Nominate an Advisor for the Provost's Award for Excellence in Academic Advising

Did you receive excellent academic advising last quarter? Nominate your advisor for the Provost's Award for Excellence in Academic Advising  Graduate and undergraduate faculty and staff academic advisors, for whom advising is at least a portion of their responsibilities, are eligible to be nominated. You can go ahead and nominate your advisor here.

Need help connecting to support?
Contact the Dean of Students (DoS) Office at: or by calling 303-871-4261

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