About Us
Delta Alpha Pi Honor Society provides opportunities for members to develop or enhance skills in Leadership, Advocacy, and Education related to disability issues. In addition to this and recognizing academic achievement, Delta Alpha Pi seeks to lessen and eventually eliminate the stigma and negative stereotyping that have been associated historically with disability. By working for an aDAPtable world, the members of Delta Alpha Pi challenge society to view disability as an aspect of diversity, existing on a continuum throughout an individuals lifespan, and encourage the implementation of universal design, so that the environment (learning, physical, attitudinal), not the individual, adjusts to provide access to all individuals. Students who become members of Delta Alpha Pi identify themselves as honor students who have a disability. By their open acknowledgment of their disability status, they serve as role models for other students with disabilities and advance the goals of Delta Alpha Pi on their campuses and in the community. By recognizing their academic accomplishments, we honor them and acknowledge their determination and perseverance.