Past Newsletters

April 1, 2020

Hello Pre-Health Club!

As everyone knows we are facing a hard time that unfortunately sparks stress. You might be worrying about not knowing if you will get enough volunteer hours, will be unable to take the MCAT on the date you planned, and adjusting to new environment outside of the classroom. We just wanted to let our members know that we are here to support YOU. We also wanted to remind you that every student in our country is facing this adjustment, and you are not alone if you feel a tad stressed or overwhelmed. Please do not hesitate to email our exec board if you need support!

A reminder to our participants of the Peer Mentorship Program, reach out to your mentor or mentee for support or for questions. This is the perfect time to engage with your mentor/mentee for advice or even coursework help. If you still would like to apply to the program we are taking APPLICATIONS FOR ROUND 2 of pairings! If you would like to become a Mentor or become a Mentee, please fill out the quick Qualtrics form at

We loved hearing your feedback from the last newsletter, and we are back with more tips to get you through your first virtual week of classes!

Freshmen: We would like to encourage you to start writing up a 4 year class plan to ensure you graduate on time with the courses you need to accomplish your longterm goals.

Sophomores: As your courses become more disciplined toward your major, it is IMPORTANT to review old course material in order to to stay on top of your new challenging workload.

Juniors: Review and revise your 4-year plan such that you can adapt to any changes this virtual classroom setting has caused. Look at your degree audit to ensure that you are on track to graduate on time with the courses you need.

Seniors: Reach out to Dr. Nancy Lorenzon to go over your degree audit and to review your post graduation plans. She is extremely helpful and is an amazing person ton reach out to for help regarding professional schools.

Additionally, we wanted to make sure our members are staying healthy both mentally and physically. This is an extremely stressful time, whether your family members have lost their jobs, you are under shelter in place orders, or having trouble adjusting to online classes we wanted to encourage y'all to take care of yourself. Whether its online yoga classes, going on a walk outside with your dog, or making dinner with your family, make sure that you are prioritizing yourself and well being.

We plan to be extremely active online during this quarter, so keep an eye out for future emails and follow us on instagram! @duprehealthclub



In Pio Spirit,

The DU Pre-Health Club